
Brussels sprouts and Arugula Salad
Brussels Sprouts and Arugula Salad: Healthy for the Holidays! When you think of salads, you probably envision dining outdoors in warm weather. Salads are most often associated with the spring and summer months when you can use ingredients right from your own garden. But even on the darkest and coldest days of winter, you can still make a delicious ...
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Beriany Blog
Throughout all of your cooking ventures, I am sure that you have had a plethora of chances to cook one of those dishes that have everything in it: rice, meat, vegetables, you know, the works. While these meals are quite homely and even more economical than your average restaurant meal, their roots come from far away countries and cultures. I want t ...
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Change the Beat of Your Meal with Roasted Beet Salad
My girlfriends and I love food! Period. Well, I ended that sentence with an exclamation point, but you get my drift! So we take turns on a weekly basis going to one another’s houses to cook and drink wine and just enjoy each other’s company. Especially because we threw wine into the mix of our girls’ nights, it became delightfully challenging ...
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Superfood Kale Offers Something for Everyone
Summer is all about growth and revival. The long winter months give way to rainy spring days, and finally summer arrives to shine sun on us all. So it’s understandable that the season is associated with health and wellness more than any other. While we should always take care of ourselves in the best way possible, holiday feasts and cold weather ...
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Turmeric Barley with Caramelized Onions
The sweet smell of caramelized onions and the enticing sizzle of beef instantly draw my husband and kids into the kitchen. One of my favorite family dinners is turmeric barley with caramelized onions, sirloin steak, and spinach. This bright and aromatic dish is surprisingly healthy; the grains and vegetables contain important vitamins and so much f ...
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Vegetarian Dolma
Vegetarian Dolma – Stuffed Grape Leaves Dolma is a refreshing finger food that is really perfect for parties or as an appetizer prior to a meal. These are lovely small packages of edible leaves rolled around a filling of items such as grains, vegetables, fruits (tomatoes), nuts, herbs, spices, and sometimes ground meat. Most notably, the young le ...
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Healthy, Flavorful Cooking with Tilapia Since spring is springing up all around, and since Lent is in full swing, it’s not a bad time to consider both healthy eating and what it means to “give up” something. The sacrifice of meat for Lent doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice flavor, nutrition, or feeding your family a deliciou ...
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Shrimp and Citrus Rice: Delectable Combination
It can be a challenge to give up meat for lent, at least if you love meat like I do. The flavor, the texture, and the different ways to cook meat are all something that I miss. But that is part of the sacrifice. I just love the way that a savory piece of beef tantalizes my tongue or how chicken alfredo pasta tastes incredible after a long day of wo ...
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Chicken Cream Chop / Friend Chicken Blog
Family is a word without a definition. Now, before you pounce on me saying that it isn’t true, let me explain. Though there is technically a definition for family, if living in the 21st century has taught us anything, it’s that the word is certainly more complicated than its definition. For me, family is much more like a feeling. By thi ...
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Traditional Lentil Soup
My own history with lentil soup began when I was probably around four. My first recollections of seeing it included how different it looked from chicken soup and noodles. Though I was an inquisitive child, this was not what soup looked like in my little world up until now. Upon first glance, I wasn’t quite sure I wanted to test out something ...
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